(byline: Nancy Ross-Flanigan)
Science, medicine and well-being are my specialties,
but I've written on a wide range of topics, including friendship, heartbreak, motorcycles, and creativity. An entomologist by training, I covered science for the Detroit
Free Press for more than a decade. As a freelance writer for more than 20 years, I've written for print and online publications including Health (contributing editor), Alternative Medicine (contributing editor), Fitness, More, Arthritis Today, Science News, Dallas Morning News,
and Technology Review. My articles are published under the byline Nancy Ross-Flanigan.
A sampling of my articles
Animals on the Move. Science News, June 30, 2012.
A warming climate means shifting ranges and mixed-up relationships for a lot of species.
What's in a Word? The Changing Language of Cancer. Forward magazine. Fox Chase Cancer Center. September 2010.
How appropriate are metaphors like "battle" and "survivor" for describing cancer as we currently know and experience it? And how do such words affect patients, their families and others who seek to understand the disease and its impact?
Our Fight With Fat. Medicine at Michigan, March 2010.
Why is it so hard for us to translate simple weight-loss advice (eat less, exercise more) into behavior that produces tangible, lasting changes in body mass? The reasons are complex, with roots that reach back millions of years. Is there any way to tip the scales in our favor?
The Cancer Connection: Lose Fear and Find Hope. Arthritis Today, May/June 2008.
Lymphoma is not a sure thing if you have rheumatoid arthritis and treat it aggressively.
It's All About Focus. Alternative Medicine, June 2005.
Giving your full attention to the here and now is the key to creating all the time you need.
Against the Odds. More, April 2004.
Millions of women live with benign uterine fibroids. Cyndi Bunge was shocked to learn that hers were hiding a rare and deadly cancer.
A Widow's Tale. Health, June 2000.
Brian died when I was 40; Ray came into my world at 43. At 51, something strangely wonderful happened: they both found places in my life.
Goodbye Middle Age, Hello New Age. Health, November/December 1999
Deepak Chopra's Renewal program promises to change how you think about the second half of your life. Can it really help you find balance, serenity, and more energy than ever?
Lost and Found, Detroit Free Press Magazine, October 14, 1990
He left me behind, with only a few mementos. Allow me to hang onto what I can.
A warming climate means shifting ranges and mixed-up relationships for a lot of species.
What's in a Word? The Changing Language of Cancer. Forward magazine. Fox Chase Cancer Center. September 2010.
How appropriate are metaphors like "battle" and "survivor" for describing cancer as we currently know and experience it? And how do such words affect patients, their families and others who seek to understand the disease and its impact?
Our Fight With Fat. Medicine at Michigan, March 2010.
Why is it so hard for us to translate simple weight-loss advice (eat less, exercise more) into behavior that produces tangible, lasting changes in body mass? The reasons are complex, with roots that reach back millions of years. Is there any way to tip the scales in our favor?
The Cancer Connection: Lose Fear and Find Hope. Arthritis Today, May/June 2008.
Lymphoma is not a sure thing if you have rheumatoid arthritis and treat it aggressively.
It's All About Focus. Alternative Medicine, June 2005.
Giving your full attention to the here and now is the key to creating all the time you need.
Against the Odds. More, April 2004.
Millions of women live with benign uterine fibroids. Cyndi Bunge was shocked to learn that hers were hiding a rare and deadly cancer.
A Widow's Tale. Health, June 2000.
Brian died when I was 40; Ray came into my world at 43. At 51, something strangely wonderful happened: they both found places in my life.
Goodbye Middle Age, Hello New Age. Health, November/December 1999
Deepak Chopra's Renewal program promises to change how you think about the second half of your life. Can it really help you find balance, serenity, and more energy than ever?
Lost and Found, Detroit Free Press Magazine, October 14, 1990
He left me behind, with only a few mementos. Allow me to hang onto what I can.