A few words about meAfter a rewarding career writing about science, medicine and healthful living (under the byline Nancy Ross-Flanigan), I'm now focusing on memoir, fiction, and photography.
Watch for my novel, The Utterly Unacceptable Atrocity of Isabelle Marsden, due out from She Writes Press in Spring 2026. I'll be posting updates on my blog and my Facebook Author Page.
![]() My memoir, Mango Rash: Coming of Age in the Land of Frangipani and Fanta (Behler Publications, Oct. 22, 2019) can be purchased from Flying Bear Books & Creperie in Newaygo, NCCA-Artsplace in Fremont, Artworks in Big Rapids, and The Heritage Museum of Newaygo County. You can also order signed copies directly from the Buy Books section of this web site.

Second place, Winter photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

Third place, Pollinators category, Wild Ones native plant organization annual photo contest

Third place, fall photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

Winner, Forest Close-ups category, Forests in Focus contest, American Forests magazine

Second place, winter photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

Third place, winter photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts
Mango Rash made the long list for the Journey Book Awards, a division of Chanticleer International Book Awards and Novel Competitions.

First place, fall photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

First place, "It's Alive" category, and Best in Show, Wild Ones native plant organization annual photo contest
Mango Rash and I were featured in the "Breaking In" column of the January-February issue of Writer's Digest

Third place, pollinators category, Wild Ones annual photo contest

Third place, winter photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

Third place, people in nature category, Michigan Nature Association annual photo contest

Honorable mention, fall photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts
First place, memoir/nonfiction category, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, for Mango Rash

First place, winter photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

First place, fall photo contest, Newaygo County Council for the Arts

First place, flora & fauna category, Michigan Nature Association annual photo contest

Second place, pollinators category, Wild Ones annual photo contest

Honorable Mention, people in nature category, Michigan Nature Association annual photo contest
My submission, "Tabu," an excerpt from Mango Rash was a finalist for the 43rd New Millennium Writings Literary Awards in Nonfiction.
For the second time, I was named a finalist in the Tucson Festival of Books Literary Awards, with an excerpt from Mango Rash. A different excerpt from the memoir was a finalist for the same award in 2015 and was published in Colere. Another excerpt from the memoir was a finalist for the 2015 Northern Colorado Writers Top of the Mountain Book Award.